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Lars Eric Moe, Broker Associate


Licensed in 1993, Eric has lived in Florida since the mid 80’s.  As a Broker Associate, the advanced education helps him be recognized as a real estate professional with the knowledge and commitment necessary to assist customers in a complex market.

Eric, a South Florida resident since 1983, was raised in Montreal and studied in Nova Scotia. He is an avid yachtsman who also enjoys skiing, golf and tennis.  He is also fluent in Norwegian and has extensive international experience successfully serving customers with the highest standard of professionalism.


Madeline “Maddy” Moe, Associate


Maddy (Eric’s sister in-law), obtained her Florida real estate license in 2005. She was previously licensed in Nevada where she sold luxury properties in Las Vegas.

Maddy was raised in New Hampshire and moved to New York to work in the airline industry and later transferred to South Florida.

Maddy has also lived in Scandinavia where she became experienced working with international customers.

Lars Eric Moe, Broker Associate

Eric har bodd i Florida siden midten av 80-tallet, og fikk sin eiendomsmeglerkonsesjon i 1993. Den høye kompetansen gjør ham i stand til å hjelpe kunder i et komplekst marked.

Eric vokste opp i Montreal og studerte i Nova Scotia. Han er en ivrig yachtsman som også liker ski, golf og tennis. Han er flytende på norsk, og hans internasjonale kundekrets blir alltid behandlet med høyest profesjonalitet.




Madeline "Maddy" Moe, salgsmedarbeider

Maddy (Erics svigerinne), fikk sin Florida eiendomslisens i 2005. Før det jobbet hun med salg av luksuseiendommer i Las Vegas, Nevada.
Maddy vokste opp i New Hampshire, flyttet til New York for å jobbe i flybransjen, og ble senere overført til Sør-Florida.

Maddy bodde også noen år i Norge og Sverige.


L. ERIC MOE, Broker Associate

Telephone:  +1 772 485 3087


BERKSHIRE   Florida Realty



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